Web processing

Your adama script is a webserver! Each Adama document is an opinionated webserver supporting GET, PUT, OPTIONS, and DELETE methods. These methods can return HTML, JSON, or XML.

Documents are addressable within a region via a URL of the form:


Where $region is the region to request the data from, $space is the adama's script name, $key is the document key, and the $path is then handed over to the specified document.


@web get / {
  return {
    html: "Oh, Hello there! this is the root document"

OPTIONS (Cors Preflight)

@web options / {
  return {
    cors: true


Adama normalizes url-encoded bodies into JSON objects, and converts POST into PUT.

message TwilioSMS {
  string From;
  string Body;

@web put /webhook (TwilioSMS sm) {
  return {
    xml: "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n<Response><Message>Thank you for the data. NOM. NOM.</Message></Response>"


@web delete / {
  return {
    json: {}

Query parameters

The @web handler has @parameters (a special constant) for accessing the query parameters as a dynamic.


The @web handler has @headers (a special constant) for accessing the headers parameters as a map<string,string>.


The return value on a @web is a message that is compile-time interpreted with rules. This message controls the behavior of the web server

The body

The returned message within a @web may contain at most one body field.

fieldvalue typebehavior
jsonmessagethe message is converted to JSON and sent to the client with content type 'application/json'
xmlstringthe string is sent to the client with content type 'application/xml'
cssstringthe string is sent to the client with content type 'text/css'
jsstringthe string is sent to the client with content type 'text/javascript'
errorstringthe string is sent to the client with content type 'text/error'
htmlstringthe string is sent to the client with the content type 'text/html'
assetassetthe asset is downloaded and sent to the client with the appropriate content type
signstring agentthe agent is is treated as a document agent and turned into a JWT token signed by Adama (see auth)
identitystringyield a pre-signed identity
forwardurlperform a redirect using 302 (permanent)
redirecturlperform a redirect using 301 (temporary)

Cross origin resource sharing

The returned message within a @web may set a 'cors' field to true. This will allow the request to be visible to a browser.

@web get / {
  return {json:{}, cors: true}


Adama supports caching using both internal and browser caching. This is achieved via the 'cache_ttl_seconds' field.

@web get / {
  return {json:{}, cache_ttl_seconds:60}