API Reference

Methods: InitSetupAccount, InitConvertGoogleUser, InitCompleteAccount, Deinit, AccountSetPassword, AccountGetPaymentPlan, AccountLogin, AccountSocialLogin, Probe, Stats, IdentityHash, IdentityStash, AuthorityCreate, AuthoritySet, AuthorityGet, AuthorityList, AuthorityDestroy, SpaceCreate, SpaceGenerateKey, SpaceGet, SpaceSet, SpaceRedeployKick, SpaceSetRxhtml, SpaceGetRxhtml, SpaceSetPolicy, PolicyGenerateDefault, SpaceGetPolicy, SpaceMetrics, SpaceDelete, SpaceSetRole, SpaceListDevelopers, SpaceReflect, SpaceList, PushRegister, DomainMap, DomainClaimApex, DomainRedirect, DomainConfigure, DomainReflect, DomainMapDocument, DomainList, DomainListBySpace, DomainGetVapidPublicKey, DomainUnmap, DomainGet, DocumentDownloadArchive, DocumentListBackups, DocumentDownloadBackup, DocumentListPushTokens, DocumentAuthorization, DocumentAuthorizationDomain, DocumentAuthorize, DocumentAuthorizeDomain, DocumentAuthorizeWithReset, DocumentAuthorizeDomainWithReset, DocumentCreate, DocumentDelete, DocumentList, MessageDirectSend, MessageDirectSendOnce, ConnectionCreate, ConnectionCreateViaDomain, ConnectionSend, ConnectionPassword, ConnectionSendOnce, ConnectionCanAttach, ConnectionAttach, ConnectionUpdate, ConnectionEnd, DocumentsCreateDedupe, DocumentsHashPassword, BillingConnectionCreate, FeatureSummarizeUrl, AttachmentStart, AttachmentStartByDomain, AttachmentAppend, AttachmentFinish

Method: InitSetupAccount (JS)

wire method:init/setup-account

This initiates developer machine via email verification.


emailyesStringThe email of an Adama developer.

JavaScript SDK Template

connection.InitSetupAccount(email, {
  success: function() {
  failure: function(reason) {

This method simply returns void.

Method: InitConvertGoogleUser (JS)

wire method:init/convert-google-user

The converts and validates a google token into an Adama token.


access-tokenyesStringA token from a third party authorization service.

JavaScript SDK Template

connection.InitConvertGoogleUser(access-token, {
  success: function(response) {
    // response.identity
  failure: function(reason) {

Request response fields

identityStringA private token used to authenticate to Adama.

Method: InitCompleteAccount (JS)

wire method:init/complete-account

This establishes a developer machine via email verification.

Copy the code from the email into this request.

The server will generate a key-pair and send the secret to the client to stash within their config, and the public key will be stored to validate future requests made by this developer machine.

A public key will be held onto for 30 days.


emailyesStringThe email of an Adama developer.
revokenoBooleanA flag to indicate wiping out previously granted tokens.
codeyesStringA randomly (secure) generated code to validate a user via 2FA auth (via email).

JavaScript SDK Template

connection.InitCompleteAccount(email, revoke, code, {
  success: function(response) {
    // response.identity
  failure: function(reason) {

Request response fields

identityStringA private token used to authenticate to Adama.

Method: Deinit (JS)

wire method:deinit

This will destroy a developer account. We require all spaces to be deleted along with all authorities.


identityyesStringIdentity is a token to authenticate a user.

JavaScript SDK Template

connection.Deinit(identity, {
  success: function() {
  failure: function(reason) {

This method simply returns void.

Method: AccountSetPassword (JS)

wire method:account/set-password

Set the password for an Adama developer.


identityyesStringIdentity is a token to authenticate a user.
passwordyesStringThe password for your account or a document

JavaScript SDK Template

connection.AccountSetPassword(identity, password, {
  success: function() {
  failure: function(reason) {

This method simply returns void.

Method: AccountGetPaymentPlan (JS)

wire method:account/get-payment-plan

Get the payment plan information for the developer.


identityyesStringIdentity is a token to authenticate a user.

JavaScript SDK Template

connection.AccountGetPaymentPlan(identity, {
  success: function(response) {
    // response.paymentPlan
    // response.publishableKey
  failure: function(reason) {

Request response fields

payment-planStringPayment plan name. The current default is "none" which can be upgraded to "public".
publishable-keyStringThe public key from the merchant provider.

Method: AccountLogin (JS)

wire method:account/login

Sign an Adama developer in with an email and password pair.


emailyesStringThe email of an Adama developer.
passwordyesStringThe password for your account or a document

JavaScript SDK Template

connection.AccountLogin(email, password, {
  success: function(response) {
    // response.identity
  failure: function(reason) {

Request response fields

identityStringA private token used to authenticate to Adama.

Method: AccountSocialLogin (JS)

wire method:account/social-login

Sign an Adama user in with an email and password pair.


emailyesStringThe email of an Adama developer.
passwordyesStringThe password for your account or a document
scopesyesStringThe scopes of a social login. For example, * is all scopes which is applicable for a Adama controlled property while another scope is $space1/*,$space2/$key1

JavaScript SDK Template

connection.AccountSocialLogin(email, password, scopes, {
  success: function(response) {
    // response.identity
  failure: function(reason) {

Request response fields

identityStringA private token used to authenticate to Adama.

Method: Probe (JS)

wire method:probe

This is useful to validate an identity without executing anything.


identityyesStringIdentity is a token to authenticate a user.

JavaScript SDK Template

connection.Probe(identity, {
  success: function() {
  failure: function(reason) {

This method simply returns void.

Method: Stats (JS)

wire method:stats

Get stats for the current connection This method has no parameters.

JavaScript SDK Template

  next: function(payload) {
    // payload.statKey
    // payload.statValue
    // payload.statType
  complete: function() {
  failure: function(reason) {

Streaming payload fields

stat-keyStringA key for the stats
stat-valueStringThe value for a stat
stat-typeStringThe type of the stat.

Method: IdentityHash (JS)

wire method:identity/hash

Validate an identity and convert to a public and opaque base64 crypto hash.


identityyesStringIdentity is a token to authenticate a user.

JavaScript SDK Template

connection.IdentityHash(identity, {
  success: function(response) {
    // response.identityHash
  failure: function(reason) {

Request response fields

identity-hashStringA hash of an identity

Method: IdentityStash (JS)

wire method:identity/stash

Stash an identity locally in the connection as if it was a cookie


identityyesStringIdentity is a token to authenticate a user.
nameyesStringAn identifier to name the resource.

JavaScript SDK Template

connection.IdentityStash(identity, name, {
  success: function() {
  failure: function(reason) {

This method simply returns void.

Method: AuthorityCreate

wire method:authority/create

Create an authority. See Authentication for more details.


identityyesStringIdentity is a token to authenticate a user.

Request response fields

authorityStringAn authority is collection of third party users authenticated via a public keystore.

Method: AuthoritySet

wire method:authority/set

Set the public keystore for the authority.


identityyesStringIdentity is a token to authenticate a user.
authorityyesStringAn authority is collection of users held together via a key store.
key-storeyesObjectNodeA collection of public keys used to validate an identity within an authority.

This method simply returns void.

Method: AuthorityGet

wire method:authority/get

Get the public keystore for the authority.


identityyesStringIdentity is a token to authenticate a user.
authorityyesStringAn authority is collection of users held together via a key store.

Request response fields

keystoreObjectNodeA bunch of public keys to validate tokens for an authority.

Method: AuthorityList

wire method:authority/list

List authorities for the given developer.


identityyesStringIdentity is a token to authenticate a user.

Streaming payload fields

authorityStringAn authority is collection of third party users authenticated via a public keystore.

Method: AuthorityDestroy

wire method:authority/destroy

Destroy an authority.

This is exceptionally dangerous as it will break authentication for any users that have tokens based on that authority.


identityyesStringIdentity is a token to authenticate a user.
authorityyesStringAn authority is collection of users held together via a key store.

This method simply returns void.

Method: SpaceCreate (JS)

wire method:space/create

Create a space.


identityyesStringIdentity is a token to authenticate a user.
spaceyesStringA 'space' is a collection of documents with the same schema and logic, and the 'space' parameter is used to denote the name of that collection. Spaces are lower case ASCII using the regex a-z[a-z0-9-]* to validation with a minimum length of three characters. The space name must also not contain a '--'
templatenoStringWhen creating a space, the template is a known special identifier for how to bootstrap the defaults. Examples: none (default when template parameter not present).

JavaScript SDK Template

connection.SpaceCreate(identity, space, template, {
  success: function() {
  failure: function(reason) {

This method simply returns void.

Method: SpaceGenerateKey

wire method:space/generate-key

Generate a secret key for a space.

First party and third party services require secrets such as api tokens or credentials.

These credentials must be encrypted within the Adama document using a public-private key, and the secret is derived via a key exchange. Here, the server will generate a public/private key pair and store the private key securely and give the developer a public key. The developer then generates a public/private key, encrypts the token with the private key, throws away the private key, and then embeds the key id, the developer's public key, and the encrypted credential within the adama source code.


identityyesStringIdentity is a token to authenticate a user.
spaceyesStringA 'space' is a collection of documents with the same schema and logic, and the 'space' parameter is used to denote the name of that collection. Spaces are lower case ASCII using the regex a-z[a-z0-9-]* to validation with a minimum length of three characters. The space name must also not contain a '--'

Request response fields

key-idIntegerUnique id of the private-key used for a secret.
public-keyStringA public key to decrypt a secret with key arrangement.

Method: SpaceGet

wire method:space/get

Get the deployment plan for a space.


identityyesStringIdentity is a token to authenticate a user.
spaceyesStringA 'space' is a collection of documents with the same schema and logic, and the 'space' parameter is used to denote the name of that collection. Spaces are lower case ASCII using the regex a-z[a-z0-9-]* to validation with a minimum length of three characters. The space name must also not contain a '--'

Request response fields

planObjectNodeA plan is a predictable mapping of keys to implementations. The core reason for having multiple concurrent implementations is to have a smooth and orderly deployment. See deployment plans for more information.

Method: SpaceSet

wire method:space/set

Set the deployment plan for a space.


identityyesStringIdentity is a token to authenticate a user.
spaceyesStringA 'space' is a collection of documents with the same schema and logic, and the 'space' parameter is used to denote the name of that collection. Spaces are lower case ASCII using the regex a-z[a-z0-9-]* to validation with a minimum length of three characters. The space name must also not contain a '--'
planyesObjectNodeThis 'plan' parameter contains multiple Adama scripts all gated on various rules. These rules allow for a migration to happen slowly on your schedule. Note: this value will validated such that the scripts are valid, compile, and will not have any major regressions during role out.

This method simply returns void.

Method: SpaceRedeployKick

wire method:space/redeploy-kick

A diagnostic call to optimistically to refresh a space's deployment


identityyesStringIdentity is a token to authenticate a user.
spaceyesStringA 'space' is a collection of documents with the same schema and logic, and the 'space' parameter is used to denote the name of that collection. Spaces are lower case ASCII using the regex a-z[a-z0-9-]* to validation with a minimum length of three characters. The space name must also not contain a '--'

This method simply returns void.

Method: SpaceSetRxhtml

wire method:space/set-rxhtml

Set the RxHTML forest for the space when viewed via a domain name.


identityyesStringIdentity is a token to authenticate a user.
spaceyesStringA 'space' is a collection of documents with the same schema and logic, and the 'space' parameter is used to denote the name of that collection. Spaces are lower case ASCII using the regex a-z[a-z0-9-]* to validation with a minimum length of three characters. The space name must also not contain a '--'
rxhtmlyesStringA RxHTML forest which provides simplified web hosting.

This method simply returns void.

Method: SpaceGetRxhtml

wire method:space/get-rxhtml

Get the RxHTML forest for the space when viewed via a domain name.


identityyesStringIdentity is a token to authenticate a user.
spaceyesStringA 'space' is a collection of documents with the same schema and logic, and the 'space' parameter is used to denote the name of that collection. Spaces are lower case ASCII using the regex a-z[a-z0-9-]* to validation with a minimum length of three characters. The space name must also not contain a '--'

Request response fields

rxhtmlStringThe RxHTML forest for a space.

Method: SpaceSetPolicy

wire method:space/set-policy

Set the access control policy for a space


identityyesStringIdentity is a token to authenticate a user.
spaceyesStringA 'space' is a collection of documents with the same schema and logic, and the 'space' parameter is used to denote the name of that collection. Spaces are lower case ASCII using the regex a-z[a-z0-9-]* to validation with a minimum length of three characters. The space name must also not contain a '--'
access-policyyesObjectNodeA policy to control who can do what against a space.

This method simply returns void.

Method: PolicyGenerateDefault

wire method:policy/generate-default

Generate a default policy template for inspection and use


identityyesStringIdentity is a token to authenticate a user.

Request response fields

access-policyObjectNodeA policy to control who can do what against a space.

Method: SpaceGetPolicy

wire method:space/get-policy

Returns the policy for a specific space


identityyesStringIdentity is a token to authenticate a user.
spaceyesStringA 'space' is a collection of documents with the same schema and logic, and the 'space' parameter is used to denote the name of that collection. Spaces are lower case ASCII using the regex a-z[a-z0-9-]* to validation with a minimum length of three characters. The space name must also not contain a '--'

Request response fields

access-policyObjectNodeA policy to control who can do what against a space.

Method: SpaceMetrics

wire method:space/metrics

For regional proxies to emit metrics for a document


identityyesStringIdentity is a token to authenticate a user.
spaceyesStringA 'space' is a collection of documents with the same schema and logic, and the 'space' parameter is used to denote the name of that collection. Spaces are lower case ASCII using the regex a-z[a-z0-9-]* to validation with a minimum length of three characters. The space name must also not contain a '--'
prefixnoStringA prefix of a key used to filter results in a listing or computation
metric-querynoObjectNodeA metric query to override the behavior on aggregation for specific fields

Request response fields

metricsObjectNodeA metrics object is a bunch of counters/event-tally
countIntegerThe number of items considered/available.

Method: SpaceDelete (JS)

wire method:space/delete

Delete a space.

This requires no documents to be within the space, and this removes the space from use until garbage collection ensures no documents were created for that space after deletion. A space may be reserved for 90 minutes until the system is absolutely sure no documents will leak.


identityyesStringIdentity is a token to authenticate a user.
spaceyesStringA 'space' is a collection of documents with the same schema and logic, and the 'space' parameter is used to denote the name of that collection. Spaces are lower case ASCII using the regex a-z[a-z0-9-]* to validation with a minimum length of three characters. The space name must also not contain a '--'

JavaScript SDK Template

connection.SpaceDelete(identity, space, {
  success: function() {
  failure: function(reason) {

This method simply returns void.

Method: SpaceSetRole

wire method:space/set-role

Set the role of an Adama developer for a particular space.

Spaces can be shared among Adama developers.


identityyesStringIdentity is a token to authenticate a user.
spaceyesStringA 'space' is a collection of documents with the same schema and logic, and the 'space' parameter is used to denote the name of that collection. Spaces are lower case ASCII using the regex a-z[a-z0-9-]* to validation with a minimum length of three characters. The space name must also not contain a '--'
emailyesStringThe email of an Adama developer.
roleyesStringThe role of a user may determine their capabilities to perform actions.

This method simply returns void.

Method: SpaceListDevelopers

wire method:space/list-developers

List the developers with access to this space


identityyesStringIdentity is a token to authenticate a user.
spaceyesStringA 'space' is a collection of documents with the same schema and logic, and the 'space' parameter is used to denote the name of that collection. Spaces are lower case ASCII using the regex a-z[a-z0-9-]* to validation with a minimum length of three characters. The space name must also not contain a '--'

Streaming payload fields

emailStringA developer email
roleStringEach developer has a role to a document.

Method: SpaceReflect (JS)

wire method:space/reflect

Get a schema for the space.


identityyesStringIdentity is a token to authenticate a user.
spaceyesStringA 'space' is a collection of documents with the same schema and logic, and the 'space' parameter is used to denote the name of that collection. Spaces are lower case ASCII using the regex a-z[a-z0-9-]* to validation with a minimum length of three characters. The space name must also not contain a '--'
keyyesStringWithin a space, documents are organized within a map and the 'key' parameter will uniquely identify documents. Keys are lower case ASCII using the regex [a-z0-9._-]* for validation

JavaScript SDK Template

connection.SpaceReflect(identity, space, key, {
  success: function(response) {
    // response.reflection
  failure: function(reason) {

Request response fields

reflectionObjectNodeSchema of a document.

Method: SpaceList (JS)

wire method:space/list

List the spaces available to the user.


identityyesStringIdentity is a token to authenticate a user.
markernoStringA key to skip ahead a listing. When iterating, values will be returned that are after marker. To paginate an entire list, pick the last key or name returned and use it as the next marker.
limitnoIntegerMaximum number of items to return during a streaming list.

JavaScript SDK Template

connection.SpaceList(identity, marker, limit, {
  next: function(payload) {
    // payload.space
    // payload.role
    // payload.created
    // payload.enabled
    // payload.storageBytes
  complete: function() {
  failure: function(reason) {

Streaming payload fields

spaceStringA space which is a collection of documents with a common Adama schema.
roleStringEach developer has a role to a document.
createdStringWhen the item was created.
enabledBooleanIs the item in question enabled.
storage-bytesLongThe storage used.

Method: PushRegister (JS)

wire method:push/register

Register a device for push notifications


identityyesStringIdentity is a token to authenticate a user.
domainyesStringA domain name.
subscriptionyesObjectNodeA push subscription which is an abstract package for push notifications
device-infoyesObjectNodeInformation about a device

JavaScript SDK Template

connection.PushRegister(identity, domain, subscription, device-info, {
  success: function() {
  failure: function(reason) {

This method simply returns void.

Method: DomainMap

wire method:domain/map

Map a domain to a space.


identityyesStringIdentity is a token to authenticate a user.
domainyesStringA domain name.
spaceyesStringA 'space' is a collection of documents with the same schema and logic, and the 'space' parameter is used to denote the name of that collection. Spaces are lower case ASCII using the regex a-z[a-z0-9-]* to validation with a minimum length of three characters. The space name must also not contain a '--'
certificatenoStringA TLS/SSL Certificate encoded as json.

This method simply returns void.

Method: DomainClaimApex

wire method:domain/claim-apex

Claim an apex domain to be used only by your account


identityyesStringIdentity is a token to authenticate a user.
domainyesStringA domain name.

Request response fields

claimedBooleanHas the apex domain been claimed and validated?
txt-tokenStringThe TXT field to introduce under the domain to prove ownership

Method: DomainRedirect

wire method:domain/redirect

Map a domain to another domain


identityyesStringIdentity is a token to authenticate a user.
domainyesStringA domain name.
destination-domainyesStringA domain name to forward to

This method simply returns void.

Method: DomainConfigure

wire method:domain/configure

Configure a domain with internal guts that are considered secret.


identityyesStringIdentity is a token to authenticate a user.
domainyesStringA domain name.
product-configyesObjectNodeProduct config for various native app and integrated features.

This method simply returns void.

Method: DomainReflect (JS)

wire method:domain/reflect

Get a schema for the domain


identityyesStringIdentity is a token to authenticate a user.
domainyesStringA domain name.

JavaScript SDK Template

connection.DomainReflect(identity, domain, {
  success: function(response) {
    // response.reflection
  failure: function(reason) {

Request response fields

reflectionObjectNodeSchema of a document.

Method: DomainMapDocument

wire method:domain/map-document

Map a domain to a space.


identityyesStringIdentity is a token to authenticate a user.
domainyesStringA domain name.
spaceyesStringA 'space' is a collection of documents with the same schema and logic, and the 'space' parameter is used to denote the name of that collection. Spaces are lower case ASCII using the regex a-z[a-z0-9-]* to validation with a minimum length of three characters. The space name must also not contain a '--'
keyyesStringWithin a space, documents are organized within a map and the 'key' parameter will uniquely identify documents. Keys are lower case ASCII using the regex [a-z0-9._-]* for validation
routenoBooleanA domain can route to the space or to a document's handler
certificatenoStringA TLS/SSL Certificate encoded as json.

This method simply returns void.

Method: DomainList

wire method:domain/list

List the domains for the given developer


identityyesStringIdentity is a token to authenticate a user.

Streaming payload fields

domainStringA domain name.
spaceStringA space which is a collection of documents with a common Adama schema.
keyStringThe key.
routeBooleanDoes the domain route GET to the document or the space.
forwardStringDoes the domain have a forwarding address
configuredBooleanIs the domain configured?
apex_managedBooleanIs the domain managed by an apex domain?

Method: DomainListBySpace

wire method:domain/list-by-space

List the domains for the given developer


identityyesStringIdentity is a token to authenticate a user.
spaceyesStringA 'space' is a collection of documents with the same schema and logic, and the 'space' parameter is used to denote the name of that collection. Spaces are lower case ASCII using the regex a-z[a-z0-9-]* to validation with a minimum length of three characters. The space name must also not contain a '--'

Streaming payload fields

domainStringA domain name.
spaceStringA space which is a collection of documents with a common Adama schema.
keyStringThe key.
routeBooleanDoes the domain route GET to the document or the space.
forwardStringDoes the domain have a forwarding address
configuredBooleanIs the domain configured?
apex_managedBooleanIs the domain managed by an apex domain?

Method: DomainGetVapidPublicKey (JS)

wire method:domain/get-vapid-public-key

Get the public key for the VAPID


identityyesStringIdentity is a token to authenticate a user.
domainyesStringA domain name.

JavaScript SDK Template

connection.DomainGetVapidPublicKey(identity, domain, {
  success: function(response) {
    // response.publicKey
  failure: function(reason) {

Request response fields

public-keyStringA public key to decrypt a secret with key arrangement.

Method: DomainUnmap

wire method:domain/unmap

Unmap a domain


identityyesStringIdentity is a token to authenticate a user.
domainyesStringA domain name.

This method simply returns void.

Method: DomainGet

wire method:domain/get

Get the domain mapping


identityyesStringIdentity is a token to authenticate a user.
domainyesStringA domain name.

Request response fields

spaceStringA space which is a collection of documents with a common Adama schema.

Method: DocumentDownloadArchive

wire method:document/download-archive

Download a complete archive


identityyesStringIdentity is a token to authenticate a user.
spaceyesStringA 'space' is a collection of documents with the same schema and logic, and the 'space' parameter is used to denote the name of that collection. Spaces are lower case ASCII using the regex a-z[a-z0-9-]* to validation with a minimum length of three characters. The space name must also not contain a '--'
keyyesStringWithin a space, documents are organized within a map and the 'key' parameter will uniquely identify documents. Keys are lower case ASCII using the regex [a-z0-9._-]* for validation

Streaming payload fields

base64-bytesStringBytes encoded in base64.
chunk-md5StringMD5 of a chunk

Method: DocumentListBackups

wire method:document/list-backups

List snapshots for a document


identityyesStringIdentity is a token to authenticate a user.
spaceyesStringA 'space' is a collection of documents with the same schema and logic, and the 'space' parameter is used to denote the name of that collection. Spaces are lower case ASCII using the regex a-z[a-z0-9-]* to validation with a minimum length of three characters. The space name must also not contain a '--'
keyyesStringWithin a space, documents are organized within a map and the 'key' parameter will uniquely identify documents. Keys are lower case ASCII using the regex [a-z0-9._-]* for validation

Streaming payload fields

backup-idStringThe id of a backup (encoded)
dateStringThe date of a backup
seqIntegerThe sequencer for the item.

Method: DocumentDownloadBackup

wire method:document/download-backup

Download a specific snapshot


identityyesStringIdentity is a token to authenticate a user.
spaceyesStringA 'space' is a collection of documents with the same schema and logic, and the 'space' parameter is used to denote the name of that collection. Spaces are lower case ASCII using the regex a-z[a-z0-9-]* to validation with a minimum length of three characters. The space name must also not contain a '--'
keyyesStringWithin a space, documents are organized within a map and the 'key' parameter will uniquely identify documents. Keys are lower case ASCII using the regex [a-z0-9._-]* for validation
backup-idyesStringThe reason a backup was made

Streaming payload fields

base64-bytesStringBytes encoded in base64.
chunk-md5StringMD5 of a chunk

Method: DocumentListPushTokens

wire method:document/list-push-tokens

List push tokens for a given agent within a document


identityyesStringIdentity is a token to authenticate a user.
spaceyesStringA 'space' is a collection of documents with the same schema and logic, and the 'space' parameter is used to denote the name of that collection. Spaces are lower case ASCII using the regex a-z[a-z0-9-]* to validation with a minimum length of three characters. The space name must also not contain a '--'
keyyesStringWithin a space, documents are organized within a map and the 'key' parameter will uniquely identify documents. Keys are lower case ASCII using the regex [a-z0-9._-]* for validation
domainyesStringA domain name.
agentyesStringAgent within a principal

Streaming payload fields

idLonga long id
subscription-infoObjectNodeSubscription information for a push subscriber.
device-infoObjectNodeDevice information for a push subscriber.

Method: DocumentAuthorization (JS)

wire method:document/authorization

Send an authorization request to the document


spaceyesStringA 'space' is a collection of documents with the same schema and logic, and the 'space' parameter is used to denote the name of that collection. Spaces are lower case ASCII using the regex a-z[a-z0-9-]* to validation with a minimum length of three characters. The space name must also not contain a '--'
keyyesStringWithin a space, documents are organized within a map and the 'key' parameter will uniquely identify documents. Keys are lower case ASCII using the regex [a-z0-9._-]* for validation
messageyesJsonNodeThe object sent to a document which will be the parameter for a channel handler.

JavaScript SDK Template

connection.DocumentAuthorization(space, key, message, {
  success: function(response) {
    // response.identity
  failure: function(reason) {

Request response fields

identityStringA private token used to authenticate to Adama.

Method: DocumentAuthorizationDomain (JS)

wire method:document/authorization-domain

Send an authorization request to a document via a domain


domainyesStringA domain name.
messageyesJsonNodeThe object sent to a document which will be the parameter for a channel handler.

JavaScript SDK Template

connection.DocumentAuthorizationDomain(domain, message, {
  success: function(response) {
    // response.identity
  failure: function(reason) {

Request response fields

identityStringA private token used to authenticate to Adama.

Method: DocumentAuthorize (JS)

wire method:document/authorize

Authorize a username and password against a document.


spaceyesStringA 'space' is a collection of documents with the same schema and logic, and the 'space' parameter is used to denote the name of that collection. Spaces are lower case ASCII using the regex a-z[a-z0-9-]* to validation with a minimum length of three characters. The space name must also not contain a '--'
keyyesStringWithin a space, documents are organized within a map and the 'key' parameter will uniquely identify documents. Keys are lower case ASCII using the regex [a-z0-9._-]* for validation
usernameyesStringThe username for a document authorization
passwordyesStringThe password for your account or a document

JavaScript SDK Template

connection.DocumentAuthorize(space, key, username, password, {
  success: function(response) {
    // response.identity
  failure: function(reason) {

Request response fields

identityStringA private token used to authenticate to Adama.

Method: DocumentAuthorizeDomain (JS)

wire method:document/authorize-domain

Authorize a username and password against a document via a domain


domainyesStringA domain name.
usernameyesStringThe username for a document authorization
passwordyesStringThe password for your account or a document

JavaScript SDK Template

connection.DocumentAuthorizeDomain(domain, username, password, {
  success: function(response) {
    // response.identity
  failure: function(reason) {

Request response fields

identityStringA private token used to authenticate to Adama.

Method: DocumentAuthorizeWithReset (JS)

wire method:document/authorize-with-reset

Authorize a username and password against a document, and set a new password


spaceyesStringA 'space' is a collection of documents with the same schema and logic, and the 'space' parameter is used to denote the name of that collection. Spaces are lower case ASCII using the regex a-z[a-z0-9-]* to validation with a minimum length of three characters. The space name must also not contain a '--'
keyyesStringWithin a space, documents are organized within a map and the 'key' parameter will uniquely identify documents. Keys are lower case ASCII using the regex [a-z0-9._-]* for validation
usernameyesStringThe username for a document authorization
passwordyesStringThe password for your account or a document
new_passwordyesStringThe new password for your account or document

JavaScript SDK Template

connection.DocumentAuthorizeWithReset(space, key, username, password, new_password, {
  success: function(response) {
    // response.identity
  failure: function(reason) {

Request response fields

identityStringA private token used to authenticate to Adama.

Method: DocumentAuthorizeDomainWithReset (JS)

wire method:document/authorize-domain-with-reset

Authorize a username and password against a document, and set a new password


domainyesStringA domain name.
usernameyesStringThe username for a document authorization
passwordyesStringThe password for your account or a document
new_passwordyesStringThe new password for your account or document

JavaScript SDK Template

connection.DocumentAuthorizeDomainWithReset(domain, username, password, new_password, {
  success: function(response) {
    // response.identity
  failure: function(reason) {

Request response fields

identityStringA private token used to authenticate to Adama.

Method: DocumentCreate (JS)

wire method:document/create

Create a document.

The entropy allows the randomization of the document to be fixed at construction time.


identityyesStringIdentity is a token to authenticate a user.
spaceyesStringA 'space' is a collection of documents with the same schema and logic, and the 'space' parameter is used to denote the name of that collection. Spaces are lower case ASCII using the regex a-z[a-z0-9-]* to validation with a minimum length of three characters. The space name must also not contain a '--'
keyyesStringWithin a space, documents are organized within a map and the 'key' parameter will uniquely identify documents. Keys are lower case ASCII using the regex [a-z0-9._-]* for validation
entropynoStringEach document has a random number generator. When 'entropy' is present, it will seed the random number generate such that the randomness is now deterministic at the start.
argyesObjectNodeThe parameter for a document's @construct event.

JavaScript SDK Template

connection.DocumentCreate(identity, space, key, entropy, arg, {
  success: function() {
  failure: function(reason) {

This method simply returns void.

Method: DocumentDelete

wire method:document/delete

Delete a document (invokes the @delete document policy).


identityyesStringIdentity is a token to authenticate a user.
spaceyesStringA 'space' is a collection of documents with the same schema and logic, and the 'space' parameter is used to denote the name of that collection. Spaces are lower case ASCII using the regex a-z[a-z0-9-]* to validation with a minimum length of three characters. The space name must also not contain a '--'
keyyesStringWithin a space, documents are organized within a map and the 'key' parameter will uniquely identify documents. Keys are lower case ASCII using the regex [a-z0-9._-]* for validation

This method simply returns void.

Method: DocumentList (JS)

wire method:document/list

List documents within a space which are after the given marker.


identityyesStringIdentity is a token to authenticate a user.
spaceyesStringA 'space' is a collection of documents with the same schema and logic, and the 'space' parameter is used to denote the name of that collection. Spaces are lower case ASCII using the regex a-z[a-z0-9-]* to validation with a minimum length of three characters. The space name must also not contain a '--'
markernoStringA key to skip ahead a listing. When iterating, values will be returned that are after marker. To paginate an entire list, pick the last key or name returned and use it as the next marker.
limitnoIntegerMaximum number of items to return during a streaming list.

JavaScript SDK Template

connection.DocumentList(identity, space, marker, limit, {
  next: function(payload) {
    // payload.key
    // payload.created
    // payload.updated
    // payload.seq
    // payload.lastBackup
  complete: function() {
  failure: function(reason) {

Streaming payload fields

keyStringThe key.
createdStringWhen the item was created.
updatedStringWhen the item was last updated.
seqIntegerThe sequencer for the item.
last-backupStringThe time of the last internal backup.

Method: MessageDirectSend (JS)

wire method:message/direct-send

Send a message to a document without a connection


identityyesStringIdentity is a token to authenticate a user.
spaceyesStringA 'space' is a collection of documents with the same schema and logic, and the 'space' parameter is used to denote the name of that collection. Spaces are lower case ASCII using the regex a-z[a-z0-9-]* to validation with a minimum length of three characters. The space name must also not contain a '--'
keyyesStringWithin a space, documents are organized within a map and the 'key' parameter will uniquely identify documents. Keys are lower case ASCII using the regex [a-z0-9._-]* for validation
channelyesStringEach document has multiple channels available to send messages too.
messageyesJsonNodeThe object sent to a document which will be the parameter for a channel handler.

JavaScript SDK Template

connection.MessageDirectSend(identity, space, key, channel, message, {
  success: function(response) {
    // response.seq
  failure: function(reason) {

Request response fields

seqIntegerThe sequencer for the item.

Method: MessageDirectSendOnce (JS)

wire method:message/direct-send-once

Send a message to a document without a connection


identityyesStringIdentity is a token to authenticate a user.
spaceyesStringA 'space' is a collection of documents with the same schema and logic, and the 'space' parameter is used to denote the name of that collection. Spaces are lower case ASCII using the regex a-z[a-z0-9-]* to validation with a minimum length of three characters. The space name must also not contain a '--'
keyyesStringWithin a space, documents are organized within a map and the 'key' parameter will uniquely identify documents. Keys are lower case ASCII using the regex [a-z0-9._-]* for validation
dedupenoStringA key used to dedupe request such that at-most once processing is used.
channelyesStringEach document has multiple channels available to send messages too.
messageyesJsonNodeThe object sent to a document which will be the parameter for a channel handler.

JavaScript SDK Template

connection.MessageDirectSendOnce(identity, space, key, dedupe, channel, message, {
  success: function(response) {
    // response.seq
  failure: function(reason) {

Request response fields

seqIntegerThe sequencer for the item.

Method: ConnectionCreate (JS)

wire method:connection/create

Create a connection to a document.


identityyesStringIdentity is a token to authenticate a user.
spaceyesStringA 'space' is a collection of documents with the same schema and logic, and the 'space' parameter is used to denote the name of that collection. Spaces are lower case ASCII using the regex a-z[a-z0-9-]* to validation with a minimum length of three characters. The space name must also not contain a '--'
keyyesStringWithin a space, documents are organized within a map and the 'key' parameter will uniquely identify documents. Keys are lower case ASCII using the regex [a-z0-9._-]* for validation
viewer-statenoObjectNodeA connection to a document has a side-channel for passing information about the client's view into the evaluation of bubbles. This allows for developers to implement real-time queries and pagination.

JavaScript SDK Template

connection.ConnectionCreate(identity, space, key, viewer-state, {
  next: function(payload) {
    // payload.delta
  complete: function() {
  failure: function(reason) {

Streaming payload fields

deltaObjectNodeA json delta representing a change of data. See the delta format for more information.

Method: ConnectionCreateViaDomain (JS)

wire method:connection/create-via-domain

Create a connection to a document via a domain name.


identityyesStringIdentity is a token to authenticate a user.
domainyesStringA domain name.
viewer-statenoObjectNodeA connection to a document has a side-channel for passing information about the client's view into the evaluation of bubbles. This allows for developers to implement real-time queries and pagination.

JavaScript SDK Template

connection.ConnectionCreateViaDomain(identity, domain, viewer-state, {
  next: function(payload) {
    // payload.delta
  complete: function() {
  failure: function(reason) {

Streaming payload fields

deltaObjectNodeA json delta representing a change of data. See the delta format for more information.

Method: ConnectionSend

wire method:connection/send

Send a message to the document on the given channel.


channelyesStringEach document has multiple channels available to send messages too.
messageyesJsonNodeThe object sent to a document which will be the parameter for a channel handler.

Request response fields

seqIntegerThe sequencer for the item.

Method: ConnectionPassword

wire method:connection/password

Set the viewer's password to the document; requires their old password.


usernameyesStringThe username for a document authorization
passwordyesStringThe password for your account or a document
new_passwordyesStringThe new password for your account or document

This method simply returns void.

Method: ConnectionSendOnce

wire method:connection/send-once

Send a message to the document on the given channel with a dedupe key such that sending happens at most once.


channelyesStringEach document has multiple channels available to send messages too.
dedupenoStringA key used to dedupe request such that at-most once processing is used.
messageyesJsonNodeThe object sent to a document which will be the parameter for a channel handler.

Request response fields

seqIntegerThe sequencer for the item.

Method: ConnectionCanAttach

wire method:connection/can-attach

Ask whether the connection can have attachments attached.



Request response fields

yesBooleanThe result of a boolean question.

Method: ConnectionAttach

wire method:connection/attach

This is an internal API used only by Adama for multi-region support.

Start an upload for the given document with the given filename and content type.


asset-idyesStringThe id of an asset.
filenameyesStringA filename is a nice description of the asset being uploaded.
content-typeyesStringThe MIME type like text/json or video/mp4.
sizeyesLongThe size of an attachment.
digest-md5yesStringThe MD5 of an attachment.
digest-sha384yesStringThe SHA384 of an attachment.

Request response fields

seqIntegerThe sequencer for the item.

Method: ConnectionUpdate

wire method:connection/update

Update the viewer state of the document.

The viewer state is accessible to bubbles to provide view restriction and filtering. For example, the viewer state is how a document can provide real-time search or pagination.


viewer-statenoObjectNodeA connection to a document has a side-channel for passing information about the client's view into the evaluation of bubbles. This allows for developers to implement real-time queries and pagination.

This method simply returns void.

Method: ConnectionEnd

wire method:connection/end

Disconnect from the document.



This method simply returns void.

Method: DocumentsCreateDedupe (JS)

wire method:documents/create-dedupe

Ask the server to create a dedupe token This method has no parameters.

JavaScript SDK Template

  success: function(response) {
    // response.dedupe
  failure: function(reason) {

Request response fields

dedupeStringA UUID dedupe string

Method: DocumentsHashPassword (JS)

wire method:documents/hash-password

For documents that want to hold passwords, then these passwords should not be stored plaintext.

This method provides the client the ability to hash a password for plain text transmission.


passwordyesStringThe password for your account or a document

JavaScript SDK Template

connection.DocumentsHashPassword(password, {
  success: function(response) {
    // response.passwordHash
  failure: function(reason) {

Request response fields

password-hashStringThe hash of a password.

Method: BillingConnectionCreate (JS)

wire method:billing-connection/create

Create a connection to the billing document of the given identity.


identityyesStringIdentity is a token to authenticate a user.

JavaScript SDK Template

connection.BillingConnectionCreate(identity, {
  next: function(payload) {
    // payload.delta
  complete: function() {
  failure: function(reason) {

Streaming payload fields

deltaObjectNodeA json delta representing a change of data. See the delta format for more information.

Method: FeatureSummarizeUrl (JS)

wire method:feature/summarize-url

Summarize a URL by parsing it's meta-data.


identityyesStringIdentity is a token to authenticate a user.
urlyesStringA http(s) URL that resolves to a HTML page.

JavaScript SDK Template

connection.FeatureSummarizeUrl(identity, url, {
  success: function(response) {
    // response.summary
  failure: function(reason) {

Request response fields

summaryObjectNodeA json summary of a URL

Method: AttachmentStart (JS)

wire method:attachment/start

Start an upload for the given document with the given filename and content type.


identityyesStringIdentity is a token to authenticate a user.
spaceyesStringA 'space' is a collection of documents with the same schema and logic, and the 'space' parameter is used to denote the name of that collection. Spaces are lower case ASCII using the regex a-z[a-z0-9-]* to validation with a minimum length of three characters. The space name must also not contain a '--'
keyyesStringWithin a space, documents are organized within a map and the 'key' parameter will uniquely identify documents. Keys are lower case ASCII using the regex [a-z0-9._-]* for validation
filenameyesStringA filename is a nice description of the asset being uploaded.
content-typeyesStringThe MIME type like text/json or video/mp4.

JavaScript SDK Template

connection.AttachmentStart(identity, space, key, filename, content-type, {
  next: function(payload) {
    // payload.chunk_request_size
  complete: function() {
  failure: function(reason) {

Streaming payload fields

chunk_request_sizeIntegerThe attachment uploader is asking for a chunk size. Using the WebSocket leverages a flow control based uploader such that contention on the WebSocket is minimized.

Method: AttachmentStartByDomain (JS)

wire method:attachment/start-by-domain

Start an upload for the given document with the given filename and content type.


identityyesStringIdentity is a token to authenticate a user.
domainyesStringA domain name.
filenameyesStringA filename is a nice description of the asset being uploaded.
content-typeyesStringThe MIME type like text/json or video/mp4.

JavaScript SDK Template

connection.AttachmentStartByDomain(identity, domain, filename, content-type, {
  next: function(payload) {
    // payload.chunk_request_size
  complete: function() {
  failure: function(reason) {

Streaming payload fields

chunk_request_sizeIntegerThe attachment uploader is asking for a chunk size. Using the WebSocket leverages a flow control based uploader such that contention on the WebSocket is minimized.

Method: AttachmentAppend

wire method:attachment/append

Append a chunk with an MD5 to ensure data integrity.


chunk-md5yesStringA md5 hash of a chunk being uploaded. This provides uploads with end-to-end data-integrity.
base64-bytesyesStringBytes encoded in base64.

This method simply returns void.

Method: AttachmentFinish

wire method:attachment/finish

Finishing uploading the attachment upload.



Request response fields

asset-idStringThe id of an uploaded asset.