TODO and Future
So, The documentation for RxHTML and the reality have drifted a bunch. This document serves as a refresher of the entire code base for all the caveats that I need to document.
Attribute Command Language
- Choose
- Custom
- Decide
- Decrement
- Finalize
- Fire
- ForceAuth
- Goto
- Increment
- Manifest*
- Nuke
- Order Toggle
- Reload
- Reset
- Resume
- Set
- Submit
- SubmitById
- Toggle
- TogglePassword
- TransferError
- TransferMouse
- Scroll
- Uncheck (to deprecate)
Attribute Template Language
- autovar
- concat
- condition
- empty
- lookup
- negate
- operate
- text
- transform
- static:content
- element: common-page (uri-prefix, static: template, init:, authenticate )
- page's attribute template:use and template:tag
- dive into "path0/path1/path2" A
- root "/root" A
- parent "../parpath" A
- pick/switch "view:" "data:" A
- branching: force-hiding A
- branching: rx:if, rx:ifnot A
- source: boolean mode A
- source: decide: A
- source: choose: A
- source: chosen: A
- source: finalize: A
- source: compare mode ($pathL=$pathR) A
- future source: eval:
- branching: rx:else / rx:disconnected / rx:failed A
- rx:monitor A
- rx:behavior A
- rx:repeat (solo child) A
- rx:iterate (solo child) (rx:expand-view-state) A
- rx:switch, rx:case
- rx:wrap (to deprecate) A
- rx:custom (big one) A
- rx:template A
- feature: "merge"
- rx:link (what is this?)
- config:$name=$value on a template
- config:if=$b within a template
- config:if=!$b within a template
- config:if=$k=$v within a template
- config:if=!$k=$v within a template
- rx:scope A
- rx:expand-view-state A
Attribute Setting
- boolean inputs
- href
- class / src (more to come)
- value (input, input, select, option)
- value (boolean input) OR button + disabled
- option + label
Events / Commands
- rx:click,
- rx:load
- rx:mouseenter, rx:mouseleave
- rx:blur, rx:focus
- rx:change
- rx:delay:$ms
- rx:rise, rx:fall
- rx:check, rx:uncheck
- rx:keyup, rx:keydown
- rx:settle, rx:settle-once
- rx:ordered - fire after a rx:iterate ordered an array
- rx:success, rx:failure
- rx:submit, rx:submitted
- rx:aftersync
- rx:new - fire after a new element was introduced into an rx:iterate or rx:repeat was incremented
- rx:identity (should this be just identity)
- rx:action
- send:$channel
- document:authorize
- domain:authorize
- document:sign-in, domain:sign-in, document:sign-in-reset, domain:sign-in-reset (deprecated)
- document:put
- domain:put
- adama:sign-in
- adama:sign-up
- adama:set-password
- dynamic:send
- custom:
- adama:upload-asset (to remove)
- document:upload-asset
- domain:upload-asset
- copy-form:$ID (to deprecate?)
- copy:$path (to deprecate)
Form Behavior
- rx:forward
- rx:success
- rx:failed
- rx:submit
- rx:submitted
- rx:failure-variable (to deprecate)
- default rx:success, rx:failure (to deprecate)
- rx:link
Root elements
- template
- page
- shell
- fragment / fragment & case A
- monitor A
- view-write A
- lookup A
- lookup transforms A
- lookup refresh A
- trustedhtml (like lookup but for HTML) A
- exit-gate (guard, set) A
- todo-task A
- title A
- view-state-params A
- view-sync (to deprecated?)
- connection-status A
- connection A
- local-storage-poll
- document-get (TODO)
- domain-get
- pick A
- custom-data
- input/text-area/select (rx:sync) (TODO, write to multiple places) A
- input/text-area/select (rx:debounce) A
- sign-out A
- inline-template A
- parameter:
- search: