Web Serving

Adama, at core, is a web server serving HTTP/HTTPS/WebSocket. This section is going to be about how requests are routed. Adama serves content and provides various ways of transacting with Adama documents. From a content servicing perspective, Adama serves up:


Adama uses the HTTP Host header to route traffic. Based on the Host, behavior may change. By default, all documents are publically addressable via the production endpoint (like https://aws-us-east-2.adama-platform.com/). Requests against the production endpoint of the form:


will load the document and then execute a web get against the document. For example, the given uri


will execute the @web get handler:

@web get /my_thing {
  return {html: "Hello World"};

Now, granted, this isn't a pretty URI, so Adama offers custom domains. In your domain register, if you point www.mydomain.com to the production endpoint via a CNAME, then you can map this domain to a space and/or document. In the CLI, this is available via:

java -jar ~/adama.jar domain map

This command requires --domain www.mydomain.com and --space your_space minimally. There is also --key your_key and --route false/true. The route flag only applies to the GET verb as there is a conflict between the document and the space. Here, there is a bit of complexity, so let's bring in a diagram.

The common scenario is to map a domain to a document, see multi-tenant products.


Adama unifies and normalizes PUT/POST and always go to a document (as spaces only provide readonly serves and RxHTML has no write path).