Kickstart a web app

The fastest way to get started with Adama is to kick start an application from a template. Run the jar via

java -jar adama.jar kickstart

It is going to ask for a template, then type webapp and hit enter. Once you give the tool a template, it is going to ask for a space name. This space name is an organizational concept for documents stored within Adama, and you can learn more via core concepts of Adama.

The space name you use should be globally unique, so enter a name like mywebapp42 or a-space-for-me123; please use a good name if you plan on sharing this project with others. Once you hit enter, it is going to create the space and create a directory using the chosen space name. That's it!

Now, let's dive into the generated code.

cd mywebapp42

Will produce a nice list of files which we will walk through now.

backend/*as you group, you'll want to organize your adama specification by breaking it up into multiple files
backend.adamathe main file to start with and has been populated with code from the template; this fill will be responsible for including other files via @import top level definition
frontend/*.rx.htmlthis will contain the RxHTML files used to build the web experience
local.verse.jsonconfiguration for the local devbox
README.meA place to put notes, and this has been seeded from the tool. Please read it!

With the directory organization available, run the devbox:

java -jar ../adama.jar devbox

Now navigate your browser to http://localhost:8080, and you'll have a local sandbox for changing the *.rx.html and *.adama files. Note, changes to the *.adama files are reflected instantly while changes to the *.rx.html files require a full screen refresh (F5) in the browser.

With the basic shell, let's build a product